Monday, November 8, 2021

For Such a Time As This

 My Child,

The day is drawing near,
You will take your first breath,
Open your eyes to this big ol’ world,
I can’t wait to feel your heartbeat,
To smell the scent of a baby miracle,

I see so many people saying,
This isn’t the time to bring a baby into the world,
There is fear, challenges,
Obstacles we’ve never seen before,
Many fear for the state of the country,
The state of the world, even end times,

But daughter I know, I know without a doubt,
You were born for this time,
God created you to be brought to us,
On the very day, hour and even moment you will come,
I do not fear for us, I do not fear for you,

I want you to always know that I love you,
I will fight for you, cry with you,
Hold you when you make mistakes,
I will stand up for you,
But also teach you to stand for yourself,

Most of all I want you to know that you were wanted,
Loved from the very start,
Prayed for continually,
I know that as much as I love you,
God loves you more,
As much as I will fight for you,
Under His wing is where you will find protection,

There will be days as you grow,
You will fear what is to come,
But my daughter remember this,
God planned you from the very beginning,
He holds everything in His hands,
You are never out of His grasp, out of His plan,
Grow and learn to trust in Him,

Then you will face this world with courage,
Bravery and peace of what is to come,
You my little love will be a light in the darkness,
A lamp set up on a dark hill,
Shining hope in a world desperately grasping in the dark,
Through you, God can show the world His Son,

My prayers for you will follow you your whole life,
They have only just begun,
Someday when you are older you will read and understand,
Until then I will wrap you in my love,
Cherish you, treasure you,
Raise you and teach you,
Until God calls you to his work, whatever that may be,

I love you little one,
Be strong and have faith,

~Kriss Brewer
August 2021 

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