Sunday, March 28, 2021

But Jesus

 But Jesus

~Kriss Brewer - March 2021

My heart breaks for those destined for hell,
For those who have kept the circle of abuse spinning,
Those who have chosen to harm others,
To cause their children to stumble,
Believing the lies, believing that's all they could do,
My heart cries, my heart breaks,

At the same time I dwell in grace,
I am humbled and amazed,
Because I know without a doubt,
That could be me,

I was only one step away,
From continuing the same path,
Keeping the cycle of abuse alive,
Living in the lie that it couldn’t be better,
That I could never be enough,

But Jesus….
But Jesus stepped down and took my hand,
At the foot of the cross my burden of sin was lifted,
As forgiveness poured over me the chains were broken,
The path of destruction before my feet crumbled away
As Jesus took me by the hand,

Led me down a path that I had never seen,
Opened my eyes to a brand new love,
A brand new life,
Where love and peace abounds,
Words and touch don’t have to hurt,

I watch as my daughter runs up,
Hugs and kisses and no fear of me,
My son snuggles up between Mommy and Daddy,
Safe and secure,

Tears roll down my face,
I feel the intense weight,
How deep grace and mercy is,
The freedom in salvation,
Love of our heavenly Father,

My story would be so different….
But Jesus. But Jesus.