Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Travel Life

Here I am sitting in Dubai airport. Going on hour 39 without having any real sleep so forgive me if nothing makes sense. However, I did want to give you all an update while I have plenty of time to do so. My last flight isn’t for another four hours.

I’ve been preparing for this trip for the last year and finally the day came. For the last week I’d been saying goodbyes and shedding tears. Trying to do so when nobody was around. I’d done this before and I could do it again. It’s not that I wasn’t excited about the trip. In fact I’ve been counting down the days for the past couple months. I can’t wait to step out of the airplane and feel the sweet Ugandan air welcome me. And I was rather proud of how well I held myself together that last week… until Wednesday night when It was the last one I’d spend with my Travis and his family. That’s when it started to hit me hard and Trav caught onto that. I sat on his lap feeling his strong, safe arms around me and I couldn’t stop the tears. How on earth was I going to spend five weeks without him. 8,000+ miles away? I left the house that night after hugs from everybody and I didn’t even try to stop the tears from flowing down my face. How lucky was I to have two families who made leaving so hard?

Tuesday morning I woke up at 5:00am after 4 hours of sleep, ready to start my journey. Having caught a virus that’s been going around I didn’t feel too great but was determined to stay positive. I got all ready, loaded my luggage in my rig and said goodbye to my own family. I hit the road for the next 20 miles to Lolo where Travis would drive me to the airport. Fighting off waves of nausea and a headache on top of trying not to bawl my eyes out we made it to the airport. Inside the airport I started to feel really bad, I’m not completely sure if it was from the virus or from the reality that this is the last time I’d see my fiancĂ© for thirty seven days I’m not sure. Probably a mix of both. Being human I wondered why God would let me get sick right before a crazy long trip going to do His work. Again I was reminded that we aren’t always called to do the easy things. I made the goodbye quick because I knew the longer it was the more likely it would be for me to not let go. I hugged and kissed him one last time and forced myself to walk up to security half sobbing where the guy smiles at me and says “Where are you going to?” To which I respond “Uganda for a five week mission trip.” He smiles at me and says “Be careful, and make sure you come back home to him” I managed a “Yes sir” glanced back one more time and walked through to the other side. If you've never said goodbye to the love of your life you have no idea. Believe me. As mentally prepared as I was, I had no idea what it would be like. It's like your heart being ripped out of your chest, leaving a part of yourself behind. It's like no feeling I've ever felt. But I know, that it will make coming home that much sweeter.

A quick and easy flight took me to Seattle where I had a 5 hour layover before boarding my 14 hour flight to Dubai. Boarding my second flight I said goodbye to the US. The flight to Dubai was nice and easy, it wasn’t filled so I had a whole row to myself so I was able to stretch out and relax some. By the time I landed at DXB airport I was completely lost on the time and day. International travel does that to you when you have constant flights and are traveling through 11 time zones. I made it through customs, picked up my checked baggage which thankfully arrived safely and rechecked it to Entebbe. Now 13 hours til my next flight. Feeling the wear of travel, lack of sleep, sick and finding out that I couldn’t even check in for five more hours I was a little discouraged. I eventually found some food, medicine and a semi quiet spot to rest for awhile. I was able to chat with Travis via fb messenger. After being able to talk to him and spending some quiet time with God I don’t really feel better physically but I am more encouraged. 

Now in just over two hours I will board my last flight to Entebbe, Uganda. I am really looking forward to lying down in a bed and sleeping for awhile. Even more than that I am ready to see what God has in store for the me next five weeks. I am well aware that He will take me out of my comfort zone, make me uncomfortable and I’ll probably do some really hard things. But I am excited to see in what areas He has me grow and how I can serve in my beloved Uganda. I won’t lie, I know it will be challenging and I’ll get discouraged. I know that I’m gonna miss Travis like crazy (I already am) but my heart is open, willing and ready. Let’s get this show on the road.

Glory to God in the highest. ~KrissElise

Thursday, September 15, 2016

You Are Wanted

My child I created you,
I formed you in your mother’s womb,
I never created you to be unwanted,
You were not made unlovable,
You were born to be loved, desired and cherished.

I breathed my very life into you,
When you took your first breath it’s one I gave you,
I didn’t make you ugly or unattractive,
In fact I created you in the image of myself,
Beautiful from the inside out,

I predestined you for adoption,
I personally chose you for a daughter,
You weren’t born to believe their lies,
Or to be defined by the names that you are called,
Only to tune your ear to my voice,
As I call you beloved, redeemed, child of mine,

I created every single part of you,
You were not meant to be void of emotion,
I created you with every intricate feeling,
So laugh with the sun, cry with the storms,
Feel the emotion and then let it go,

I created you to be free,
Don’t stay locked up in a cell built by the world,
You were never meant to live a prisoner,
Feel the pain but always find a way to forgive,
Let life flow through you,

Most of all my child,
Hear my words, listen to my voice,
You are wanted, you are loved,
You are precious, you are a treasure,
You are my daughter. 
