Sunday, December 28, 2014

One More Step Towards Africa

So I received my flight information today! I will be flying out of Seattle on July 9th and Lord willing I will return on the 6th of August. I am growing increasingly excited and passionate about going and what God will do in and thru me while I serve Him there. I will be serving with Rafiki Africa Ministries at their orphanage and among the nearby villages.

I know I have a long ways to be prepared this trip financially and mentally and having all the details worked out but I am eagerly looking forward to it. I know it's gonna be a long time away from home and family but I know when I am doing God's will, when I'm living out my passion for Him nothing else in this life could make me more content, happy and thrilled.

I cannot wait to see these sweet kiddos and wrap my arms them. I cannot wait to worship, teach, love on and spread the gospel in Uganda. Below are the sweet faces of some of the many children at the orphanage. More have been added since these pictures were taken. Love them already <3

Thursday, December 18, 2014

God's Uganda Children

I have not been blogging much lately and hope to try to be better at it. So our BFF (Bitterroot Family Fellowship) kids made and decorated Christmas cards to send to the kids that I will be working with in Uganda. It was a special time to see God working in the hearts of our kids here for missions. It also brought me in for another reality check. Those kids, their faces, their names, the ones who those cards will be delivered to... they are the ones Lord willing I will be hugging, holding, teaching... in 6 months... it is soo real. There is nothing in the world, in all the time I have been alive that I have been more passionate about then teaching kids, loving kids, going to serve with kids, learn from kids, leading kids here at home and far away.. even when I am exhausted from long weeks and tired from the struggles in life this is what is really important, this is what fuels me, excites me, motivates me. It's the children of God. There is no other place that I would rather serve God then with the kiddos he has placed in my life.

I am excited for the new year and the changes it has. For all the new stuff that will come together with our BFF kiddos and how they will be able to connect more and learn more about kids in other places. Other children of God living in completely different culture and lifestyle. I ask prayers for these special kids and am in continuous prayer for them and their walk with God not just on Sundays but throughout the week as well.

And as I make all the preparations that will get me down to Uganda I ask prayers for that as well as for all the people I will be in contact with as I make the trip to Uganda and while I stay there. I should be getting my flight schedule within the next week or two. It looks like I will be gone about July 10th thru the first week in August. If you would like to make a financial donation it goes straight to the costs of helping me get there and be able to stay there for a month to serve as I will not be able to work during that time and will have expenses while there. You can do that at the link below. If you have any questions about my trip or what God is doing please feel free to message me. I encourage you to ask God where He wants you in life. Where He wants you to serve, whether it be at home or across the globe. I encourage you to be passionate and put your whole heart into it. May the glory be all to the Father, forever and always! ~Kriss

Hope for the Orphans! You Caring Fundraiser Site