Thursday, September 18, 2014

They Chose Me

I just wanted to write a little post about these two amazing people. Because they are a huge part of who I am today. God has used them in so many ways to bring me to where I am at in life, in relationships, in my walk with Christ.... God bringing them into my life was nothing short of a miracle. I haven't known them for a long time but because of the time we have spent together sometimes it feels like forever. In the time I've known them I went from being very withdrawn and distrusting after some life circumstances, I was scared to death to love for fear of being rejected once again. They have always been patient, loving, gentle and kind. Reminding me over and over and over again for the eight millionth time that they love me. You can see the love that flows between them for each other and for Jesus. The love that overflows to their kids and to others. The beautiful picture of Christ's love they represent by choosing a crazy bunch of kids who needed a home, adopting them as sons and daughters and loving them as their own. They haven't done anything big by the worlds standards but it's all the little things that make them heroes in my eyes. It's the things like being sent to work with homemade chocolate chip cookies, and story time by the campfire, dinner with the family around the table, hugs that mean "I really care", all the nights they spent listening and holding me while my heart is breaking, encouraging me to follow Christ, there are so many little things that I could never list them all. But the thing that makes me love them the most is because they looked at me, a teenager who didn't want to live, they believed in me, they loved me when I couldn't love myself and they saw something in me worth investing in. They chose me to love, to be part of an amazing family. I don't know what they saw but I am ever thankful and blessed to have them as parents, mentors, friends, teachers and role models. They are supportive and encouraging. They have been there every step of the way, never backing out when things got tough, never too busy when I need to sit and talk or cry or simply have somebody be there. No matter where I go in this world, in this life, in struggles or victories I always know that I have a safe place, a family, a home to come back to when I need it. As hard as it is to leave them to go into other parts of the world to do God's work I know I have their support and love with me every step of the way and it makes me even more grateful for the time I get to spend with them. I treasure every moment, I never want to forget a single one. This is a story I love to tell, because it's not really about Ken and Elli at all. It's about what God does through us for other people to bring them closer to him. It's a testimony of God's greatness and one I am glad to be able to share. All because one spring day I was given a hug and told that I was loved. <3 ~Kriss

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Who will go? Will you?

So when I was called to go on mission to Peru this past summer I knew that would be the first of many mission trips. It turns out next year I will be serving at an orphanage in Uganda for a month. Still working out the details on who I'm going with etc but getting it narrowed down and hopefully have an answer in the next couple weeks. I am thankful for the amazing support of my adoptive parents who have been really awesome in encouraging my walk with Christ. I want to ask you all for prayers as this is another big step of faith for me, a lot of details to be worked out and money to be raised and I am a little nervous about being away from my family for a whole month. But I know that my strength comes from God and that with him I can do anything. I am so very grateful and blessed to be able to serve among our brothers and sisters in other countries, spreading the gospel and kingdom of Christ. I also want to encourage you all to pray about where God might want to send you. Please be in prayer, he will use the willing heart. Can't wait to see how God will use this for his plan. And how it will help my walk of faith grow. I am so excited! ~Kriss