Shalyn - A Child of God |
A true friend is a gift from God and rare to find. In the short time I have gotten to know this girl and watch her grow I have seen a girl with a beautiful heart, a love deep down that cares about others, someone who is always there to help. She is quick to lift others up and give an encouraging word. I am very blessed to have met her and to be able to do life together with her. Thinking of her puts a smile on my face and I am so excited for all the new life experiences that I will get to go through with her. I have to say I'm really proud of this girl for the direction in life she is taking and for her steps in following Christ Jesus. I love you Shay and you are a very beautiful young woman from the inside out. I couldn't be more proud of you if you were my own sister. God connects hearts together and wherever our lives take us whether near or far apart, you will always have a place in mine. Thank you for your friendship, thank you for being you. Never let anybody convince you to be anything less
then the special, unique, amazing person God created you to be! You rock!
Your sister in Jesus Christ ~ Kriss